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VPS Vulnerability Checklist

A VPS vulnerability checklist is a list of items that should be regularly checked and addressed to ensure the security of a Virtual Private Server (VPS). Here's a general VPS vulnerability checklist:

  1. Keep the VPS and all software up-to-date: Regularly update the VPS operating system and all installed software to address known vulnerabilities.

  2. Use a strong and unique root password: Use a long, complex, and unique password for the VPS root user.

  3. Limit access to the VPS: Only allow necessary users to access the VPS and use strong authentication methods such as SSH key pairs.

  4. Use a firewall: Use a firewall to limit incoming and outgoing traffic to the VPS.

  5. Monitor system logs: Regularly check the VPS system logs for unusual activity.

  6. Use a intrusion detection system (IDS) or an intrusion prevention system (IPS): Use a IDS or IPS to detect and prevent malicious activity on the VPS.

  7. Disable unnecessary services and ports: Disable any unnecessary services and ports on the VPS to reduce attack surface.

  8. Use a VPN or other secure method to access the VPS remotely: Use a VPN or other secure method to access the VPS remotely to protect against eavesdropping and man-in-the-middle attacks.

  9. Use strong file permissions: Use strong file permissions to protect sensitive files and directories on the VPS.

  10. Regularly back up important data: Regularly back up important data to protect against data loss or corruption.