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Vegetation Flow - Breaking Mission Statement Apart

To provide a technology solution for a business, It is needed to understand what the business does (mission) and how it does it (flow). Business is a combination of People, Processes (flow) and Infrastructure (technology).  As the technology solution provider our mission is to provide practical, customized digital solutions to help businesses overcome their growth challenges.

Please note that one of Matican Group's values to its clients is balancing the People and Processes through Technology. 

No Technology Involved!

To get started with designing the flow do NOT involve technology and imagine that Business is done in its most traditional way.


There are situations that the System needs to execute an action or take a responsibility. Please use the Business Name instead of the word "System".

Now its time to figure out what happens between the first Request and the last Response.  It takes 3 steps to determine the flow:

  1. What does each role do? 
  2. What does each role need to perform actions?
  3. What are the exceptions in each step? What ifs

Please note these notes when defining the Business Flow:

Maintain role's handovers


The next flow must start with the previous flow's last role. For example, the next flow after A -> B should start with the role B.

A -> B

B -> C

INCORRECT examples are:

A -> B

D -> C

Prevent branching


Imagine a situation that a Role should do two actions after a flow. For example the role should approve a request notify the role Z. The WRONG example can be:

X -> X: X approves the request

X -> Z: X notifies Z about the approval

Correct Example:

X -> Z: X notifies Z about the approval

Describe actions in Present Tense

Describe actions as if they are happening now, here is an example of a correct description:

Admin approves the inquiry and notifies Supplier

Wrong description is:

Admin will approve the inquiry and notify Supplier

Admin would approve the inquiry and notify Supplier

Admin has approved the inquiry and notify Supplier


Understanding the First Request and the Last Response of a Business

Let's review GlobalTech as one of MG projects as an example:


GlobalTech Business Brief

Global Tech in a global High-Tech equipment provider based in Turkey. GlobalTech Clients leave their inquires and GlobalTech finds the best price and quality among its network of Suppliers. 


All business processes start with a request and ends with a response. For example GlobalTech's Request is the inquiry submission and the response is the delivery. Now we now about the starting and ending flow of the business as below:

First Request | Client -> GlobalTech: Client sends an inquiry to GlobalTech

Last Response | Cargo -> Client: Cargo sends goods to Client


Now let's investigate what happens between the First Request and the Last Response in GlobalTech.


What does each role do?

Discussing only the success scenarios

  1. First Request: Client -> GlobalTech
    1. Client sends an inquiry to GlobalTech
  2. GlobalTech -> Supplier
    1. GlobalTech reviews the inquiry and sends it to Suppliers
  3. Supplier -> GlobalTech
    1. Suppliers leave their Quotes for GlobalTech
  4. GlobalTech -> Client
    1. GlobalTech picks the best Quote and adds its own margin to the quote and sends it to the Client
  5. Client -> GlobalTech
    1. Client reviews the Quote and leaves an Order for GlobalTech
  6. GlobalTech -> Supplier
    1. GlobalTech orders Goods from Supplier
  7. Supplier -> GlobalTech
    1. Supplier sends Goods to GlobalTech
  8. GlobalTech -> Cargo Company
    1. GlobalTech gives Goods' Dispatches to Cargo Company
  9. Last Response: Cargo Company -> Client
    1. Cargo Company delivers goods to Client

    As listed above, You can see that Mission Statement of GlobalTech project have broken into 9 steps. These 9 steps are the roadmap of the Project development. Now let's take a look at what each Role need during these steps. Here are some important notes about the Solution Flow:


    What does each role need to perform actions? [Needs to be updated]

      1. Client -> GlobalTech
        1. Client needs a form to submit the inquiry
      2. GlobalTech -> Supplier
        1. GlobalTech needs a list of inquires
        2. GlobalTech needs to review detail of the submitted inquiry
        3. GlobalTech needs to send the submitted inquiry to the Supplier
      3. Supplier -> GlobalTech
        1. Supplier needs to see a list of submitted inquires
        2. Supplier needs to review detail of a submitted inquiry
        3. Supplier needs to specify and send quote details to the GlobalTech
      4. GlobalTech -> Client
        1. GlobalTech needs to see a list of submitted quotes from Supplier
        2. GlobalTech needs to review detail of a submitted quote
        3. GlobalTech needs to adds its own margin to the quote and sends it to the Client
      5. Client -> GlobalTech
        1. Client needs to see a list of inquiries response from GlobalTech
        2. Client needs to review detail of a inquiry’s response
        3. Client needs to send confirmation on inquiry to GlobalTech
      6. GlobalTech -> Client
        1. GlobalTech needs to see a list of approved inquiries
        2. GlobalTech needs to creates an invoice in the Client’s name for approved inquiry
      7. GlobalTech -> Cargo
        1. GlobalTech needs to see a list of orders ready for cargo
        2. GlobalTech needs to see a list of cargo
        3. GlobalTech needs to creates a dispatch and send it to the cargo
      8. Cargo -> Client
        1. Cargo needs to see a list of dispatches ready for delivery
        2. Cargo needs to see a list of orders be in a dispatch
        3. Cargo needs to inform GlobalTech about the delivery’s status of each order be in a dispatch

    Now that we have defined what each role needs in the 8 steps above, now Its time to extract Entities that are named in the sentences:

    What are the exceptions in each step? What ifs [Needs to be updated]

      1. Client -> GlobalTech
        1. Action:
          1. Client sends an inquiry to GlobalTech
        2. Exception:
          1. What if GlobalTech rejects the Inquiry?
          2. What if Client doesn't submit the inquiry or it fails?
      2. GlobalTech -> Supplier
        1. Action:
          1. GlobalTech sends the submitted inquiry to Suppliers (selected by admin)
        2. Exception:
          1. What if a Supplier doesn't see the inquiry?
          2. What if an Inquiry is not clear for the Supplier?
          3. What if Supplier has questions about the Inquiry?
      3. Supplier -> GlobalTech
        1. Action:
          1. Suppliers respond to the inquiry and send their quotes to GlobalTech
        2. Exception:
          1. What if Quotes are not clear?
          2. What if a Quote is rejected?
        3. Action:
          1. GlobalTech chooses the best quote
        4. Exception:
          1. What if there are not quotes?
          2. What if two quotes are the same?
      4. GlobalTech -> Client
        1. Action:
          1. GlobalTech adds its own margin to the quote and sends it to the Client
        2. Exception: 
          1. What if the Margin is not logical?
      5. Client -> GlobalTech
        1. Action: 
          1. Client reviews the response from GlobalTech
        2. Exception:
          1. What if Client has questions?
          2. What if the price is not accepted?
        3. Action:
          1. Client approves the inquiry response
        4. Exception:
          1. What if inquiry is not accepted by the client?
      6. GlobalTech -> Client
        1. Action:
          1. GlobalTech generates an invoice in the Client’s name.
        2. Exception:
          1. What if the Invoice is not clear?
          2. What if the Client doesn't pay the invoice?
          3. What if the invoice is not seen by Client?
      7. GlobalTech -> Cargo
        1. Action:
          1. GlobalTech creates a Dispatch for Cargo
        2. Exception:
          1. What if no Cargo does not accept the Dispatch?
      8. Cargo -> Client
        1. Action:
          1. Cargo delivers the Dispatch to Client
        2. Exception:
          1. What if Cargo does not deliver the Dispatch to Client?


    Next step is to define the flow Epics which is explained in the next page.